渊: deep pool沧: dark blue cold财经: finance and economics专栏: special column金融财经专家: george铜陵财经专科学校: tongling school of finance and economics职场英语网 金融财经专家: george世纪财经专业课程双语教学模式构建: setting uof 21st century finance and economics subjects bilingual teaching专栏: special column 书评专栏 book review column; 专栏作家 columnist; 专栏作者 symposiast曾渊沧: zeng yuancang财经: finance and economics◇财经工作会议 conference on financial and economic work; 财经纪律 financial and economic discipline; financial discipline; financial and economic regulations; 财经贸易系统 financial, economic and trade fields; 财经体制 financial-economic setup查经专区: bible study神经专家: neurologist柱子,专栏: column专栏;栏目: column; section专栏版: op ed page opposite to editorial page神经专家系统: neural expert system神经专科医师: neurologist财经 网络: manufaketure财经报: ekonomi keuangan财经界: financial circle; financial community贷方专栏: special credit column非马专栏: william marr's column富士康专栏: foxconn广达专栏: quanta